used to / be used to

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used to / be used to

2024-02-25 09:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.used to可看作一个半助动词或情态动词,其后跟动词原形,表示过去的习惯或经常发生的动作,例如: When he was a child, he used to ask lots of questions. I want to know the places (that/which) he used to go to. 否定式为:used not to(书面语), use(d)n’t to(口语), didn’t use to(口语) 疑问式为:Used sb to …?(书面语), Did sb use to …?(口语) 反意疑问句式为:use(d)n’t sb? (书面语) didn’t sb? (口语) used to = get used to 都是一个固定的结构,意思为:习惯于某事或做某事的意思,to为介词,后接名词或动名词,不能跟动词原形,例如: We are used to the weather in the south of China. They have got used to getting up early in the morning. be used to的各种形式变化如下: 疑问式为:Be(具体形式) sb ….? 否定式为:sb be(具体形式) not … 反意疑问式为:be(具体形式) not sb? (be作为系动词看待) get used to的各种形式变化如下: 疑问式为:Do/Does/Did sb get …? 否定式为:sb does/do/did not get … 反意疑问式为:do/does/did not sb? (get作为行为动词看待) used to + Verb或as/for接名词,表示某东西被用来作某事或当什么东西来使用,是一个被动语态的结构,例如: This knife is usually used to cut fruit. This magazine was used as a fan last night because of the hot weather. Blooms are used for cleaning the floor when we do general cleaning. 由于be为助动词,因此它的疑问式、否定式及反意疑问式则按一般规则进行变化。

注意used to与would的区别: (1).used to重在表示与现在的对比,含“过去曾经/一度,现在未必”之意;would重在叙述过去的情况,没有上述含义。如可以说: He used to get up early, but not now. 但不说:He would get up early, but … (2).used to可以表示过去习惯或经常的状态;would不能,它只能表示过去的一个经常重复的动作,如可以说: There used to be a temple nearby. 但不能说:There would be … (3).used to较正规、普通,多用于口语;would不太正规、多用于书面语。 (4).两者都不能用于表示某事发生的具体次数。但would可表示过去有时或偶尔发生的动作,因而可与sometimes, now and then, from time to time等时间状语连用,例如: He would sit there for hours sometimes, doing nothing at all.

补充练习:用used to, be/get used to填空: 1.I am surprised to see you smoking; you didn’t _______________ . 2.There ________________ be a station here, didn’t there? 3.He ______________ living in the country. 4.This book _____________________ be very popular. 5.It _________ not ___________ be so cold in winter in former years. 6.I _______________ these cigarettes now that I can’t enjoy any others. 7.People ____________________ think that the earth was flat. 8.__________ you ______________ swim every day when you were children? 9.It’s hard to understand him if you _________ not _____________ their accent. 10. He __________ not ___________ being treated like that. 11. Dictionary can’t ___________________ to learn English well in class but __________________ a tool to help you with your English. 12. Recorders ________________ for playing tapes in the English class now. Key: 1. use to 2. used to 3. (has) got/is/was used to 4. used to 5. used, to/did, use to 6. am used to/ have been/got used to 7. used to 8. Used, to/Did, use to 9. are, used to/do, get used to 10. is, used t/does, get used to 11. be used, (can be used) as 12. are used (有的答案不止一个)




一般过去时态:表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。谓语动词要用一般过去式。经常与yesterday(昨天), last week(上周), last month(上个月), last year(去年), two months ago(两个月前...[阅读全文]




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